thanks to your method,I can use explorer.exe again.but I still want to know the reason behind it. 👍 1 danielj0nes commented Dec 9, 2022 thanks to your method,I can use explorer.exe again.but I still want to know the reason behind it. Because the the path /mnt/c/Windows/explorer...
浏览器窗口打开到system32,在那里我看不到任何与wsl/linux/ubuntu相关的文件。我找到的任何教程都说explorer.exe .应该只打开根目录,但system32并非如此。我也无法在文件资源管理器中访问\\wsl$,这是一些指南推荐的,但这会导致windows出现网络错误。我可以在资源管理器的网络选项卡中看到WSL桌面名称,但看不到任何文...
Can you please try running the commands as:explorer.exe .orcode-insiders.exe ., and then do you experience the same issue? Thanks mscraigloewen,explorer.exe .withUbuntuworks, but withOpenSuse: [suse@mypc ~]$ explorer.exe . If 'explorer.exe' is not a typo you can use command-not-foun...
To get to the /etc directory for an installed distribution, use the distribution's command line with cd / to access the root directory, then ls to list files or explorer.exe . to view in Windows File Explorer. The directory path should look something like: /etc/wsl.conf.Note...
wsl.exe sudo mount -t devtmpfs none /dev mount | grep ext4 # 可以通过lsblk看到sdb和sda都是挂到/的 所以扩容sdb就是扩容/,sda不支持ext4 sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb 512000M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 参考 ...
用Windows资源管理器打开当前目录:explorer.exe . , 末尾的.的意思是打开当前目录. 所有的新建文件夹、复制粘贴文件、新建移动删除文件都可以用资源管理器进行. 比如可以在自己的用户文件名下面新建一个名为Projects的文件夹, 然后将你正在干的活 (写的latex项目, python代码等等)从Windows粘贴进去. ...
C:/). If you install Node.js on a Linux distribution (like Ubuntu), keep your project files in the Linux file system directory associated with the distribution that you are using. (Enterexplorer.exe .from your WSL distribution command line to browse the directory using Windows File Explorer....
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (ubuntu:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 这个错误是说无法识别该命令。你需要找到以 ubuntu 开头的exe文件(即安装目录,可使用强大的绿色搜索工具everything搜索),比如我的是ubuntu.exe,然后...
Unable to start wsl.exe from a Session 0 prompt which users can run into when trying to start WSL from an ssh session The “Linux” option in File Explorer is not shown What else is new for WSL in Windows 11? Last but not least, with the release of Windows 11 we’d like to hig...
To get to the /etc directory for an installed distribution, use the distribution's command line with cd / to access the root directory, then ls to list files or explorer.exe . to view in Windows File Explorer. The directory path should look something like: /etc/wsl.conf.Note...