The above command only works if WSL is not installed at all. If you runwsl --installand see the WSL help text, please try runningwsl --list --onlineto see a list of available distros and runwsl --install -d <DistroName>to install a distro. To uninstall WSL, seeUninstall legacy vers...
Distro Version No response Other Software No response Repro Steps Run wsl --install or wsl--update and they both result in Catastrophic failure messages in the terminal. Expected Behavior wsl installs/ updates without issue. Actual Behavior Unable to use wsl - unable to run any commands requeste...
然后,可以运行wsl.exe --install test-distro-v1以尝试安装新分发版。 完成后,可以删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\DistributionListUrl以还原到官方清单。 最佳做法 配置文件 /etc/wsl.conf并/etc/wsl-distribution.conf应包含。 它们应归其root:root所有,其权限应为0644 ...
> wsl --install -d Ubuntu-24.04 OR Installing Ubuntu from the Windows store Expected Behavior Ubuntu installed Actual Behavior PS C:\code> wsl --install -d Ubuntu-24.04 A connection with the server could not be established Error code: Wsl/InstallDistro/WININET_E_CANNOT_CONNECT Diagnostic Logs...
WSL Distro Manager中文版作为一款开源实例管理工具,旨在为用户提供高效、易用的Linux发行版管理体验,它提供了多种实用的功能,包括创建、删除、配置和管理WSL发行版,用户可以通过软件轻松安装、更新和卸载,还提供了丰富的配置选项,支持创建动作来完成重复性任务。 软件功能 列出WSL 复制WSL 删除WSL 启动WSL 重命名 WSL...
We’ve added automatic distro installation towsl--installinWindows 10 insiders preview build 20246! This means that installing WSL is now easier than ever, as now when you runwsl--installall the necessary components that you need for WSL will be automatically enabled, including y...
wsl.exe --install Ensure you have the latest WSL kernel: wsl.exe --update 2.3.Step 3: Set Up a Linux Development Environment From a Windows terminal, enter WSL: C:\> wsl.exe The default distro is Ubuntu. To update the distro to your favorite distro from the command line and to ...
Copy this certification file into your WSL distro. Install openssl package if not installed: sudo apt-get install openssl Use the following command line to convert openssl x509 -inform PEM -in <filepath>/myproxy.cer -out myproxy.crt We will use myproxy.crt in the following sections. Double...
You can find details onhow to install WSLhere, but the easiest way is to download your distro of choice (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.) from theMicrosoft Store. To configure your WSL installation to work with Visual Studio you need the following tools installed: a compiler (GCC or Clang), gdb, ...
PressF1, selectWSL: Connect to WSLfor the default distro orWSL: Connect to WSL using Distrofor a specific distro. Use the File menu to open your folder. If you already have a folder open, you can also use theWSL: Reopen Folder in WSLcommand. You will be prompted which distro to use...