针对你遇到的“failed with: wsl distribution docker-desktop is missing”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)已正确安装并启用 要检查WSL是否已安装并启用,可以打开PowerShell(以管理员身份运行),然后输入以下命令: powershell wsl --list --verbose 如果WSL已正确安装并...
WSL may need to be reinstalled fully. As a last resort, try to uninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop. If the issue persists please collect diagnostics and submit an issue (https://docs.docker.com/desktop/troubleshoot/overview/#diagnose-from-the-terminal). ...
checking if isocache exists: CreateFile \wsl$\docker-desktop-data\isocache: The network name cannot be found. POWER SHELL DIAGNOSTIC : WSL Distribution docker-desktop is missing Try the new cross-platform PowerShellhttps://aka.ms/pscore6 PS C:\Users\Administrator> & "C:\Program Files\Docke...
What I have done so far is on my windows machine i have installed usbipd-win 4.2.0, shared and attatched the device. It shows me this in the console: usbipd: info: Using WSL distribution 'docker-desktop' to attach; the device will be available in all WSL 2 distributions. usbipd: in...
"WSL": {"commandName":"WSL","launchBrowser":true,"launchUrl":"https://localhost:5001","environmentVariables": {"ASPNETCORE_URLS":"https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000","ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT":"Development"},"distributionName":""} ...
散發指令清單包含可透過wsl --install <distribution>安裝之散發套件的相關元數據。 TAR 型散發套件列在 底下ModernDistribution,格式如下: "ModernDistributions": { "<flavor>": [ { "Name": "<version name>", "FriendlyName": "<friendly name>", "Default": true | false, "Amd64Url": { "Url": ...
WSL 2 Default Distro Docker not found Docker Desktop windows clocks (Clocks) October 26, 2020, 10:35pm 4 varterjr: According to the doc it should allow me to run inside Ubuntu, but it does not (or the doc is wrong). While I am still learning the details of how WSL 2 and Dock...
so those applications are not blocked even when that port is used for other purposes on Windows. For example, WSL will allow binding to port 53 in Linux for Docker Desktop, as it is listening only to requests from within the Linux container. Should be formatted in a comma separated list,...
Use the Advanced tab to limit resources available to Docker. CPUs: By default, Docker Desktop is set to use half the number of processors available on the host machine. To increase the processing power, set this to a higher number. To decrease the processing power, set this to a lower nu...
[FAIL] DD0025: are WSL distros installed? WSL Distribution docker-desktop is missing [FAIL] DD0029: is the WSL 2 Linux filesystem corrupt? exit status 0xffffffff [FAIL] DD0007: is the backend responding? failed to ping com.docker.backend with error: Get "http://ipc/ping": open \\....