Given that you're on server, I believe you should run the wsl --unregister command as @Biswa96 is correct deleting a registry key will just make WSL unaware of the distro it will not delete the files themselves. Thanks for filing the feedback! 👍 15 👎 4 craigloewen-msft closed t...
GitHub地址:nullpo-head/wsl-distrod: Distrod is a meta-distro for WSL 2 which installs Ubuntu,...
I was using my wsl yesterday, when I open my pc and try to connect wsl I found out it delete itself again. This happened 3 times, last distro I was using is Pengwin but the same issue happened with Ubuntu-18.04 too. When this happened I have to start distro unpacking and set up it...
“WSL integration with distro Ubuntu unexpectedly stopped with exit code 1” This error appears seemingly at random whenever I run any docker command in the WSL bash prompt. docker -v docker run hello-world docker compose up -d etc… The error comes as a native windows 11 notification and...
/opt/distrod/bin/distrod enable --start-on-windows-boot 3. 安装完成,重启打开 systemctl status | cat 4. 设置 zeretier自启动 如果是Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS,则运行: $ curl -s | sudo bash 之后就完成了安装,然后我们要启动zerotier,并且让他开机自启动,运行: $ sudo systemctl...
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
3.2、Docker Desktop启动后,Windows PowerShell的docker命令可用(WSL2 distro Ubuntu不可用)。 PS C:\Users\admin> docker pull busybox Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest PS C:\Users\admin> docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ...
But it breaks my ubuntu distro (22.04). When enable, I need to wait for more than 3 minutes to have the prompt with this error : - Failed to get properties: Transport endpoint is not connected Checking with ' systemctl list-unit-files --type=service' is really long too - not sure ...
修正wslapi.dll 在 distroName 參數為 Null 時快速失敗組建19041如需組建 19041 的一般 Windows 資訊,請造訪 Windows 部落格。[WSL2] 在啟動處理程序之前清除信號遮罩 [WSL2] 將 Linux 核心更新為 4.19.84 當符號連結為非相對時,處理 /etc/resolv.conf 符號連結的建立組建...
exitor in Windows cmdwsl --terminate [YourDistroName] Boot your distro. At this point, thanks to wsl.conf, run/resolvconf should no longer exist and will never be created again. cd ~/../../etc sudo rm resolv.conf- this deletes the existing symlink file. ...