wsl --shutdown 2在WSL中,使用amdgpu-install安装ROCm sudo apt update wget sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_6.2.60203-1_all.deb amdgpu-install -y --usecase=wsl,rocm --no-dkms 安装完成之后...
AMD GPU driver for WSL NVIDIA GPU driver for WSL 安装/升级 安装 请参考相应文献 升级 (1) 管理员模式打开PowerShell (2) 升级WSL到最新版本 wsl --update (3) 重启WSL wsl --shutdown Linux GUI apps are only supported with WSL 2 and will not work with a Linux distribution configured for WSL...
方法一:sudo ln -s $(which nvidia-smi) /usr/bin/ 方法二:sudo ln -s /usr/lib/wsl/lib/nvidia-smi /usr/bin/ 参考: 然后卸载重装就可以了(我是这样解决的)
6700XT WSL2 Driver Support Hi everone, since upgrading from a 5700XT to a 6700XT, I have been trying to get my work from home setup figured out again. Since I require GPU acceleration for various applicaitons under Linux, I have been trying to make the amdgpu-pro driver work, however...
AMD GPU driver for WSL NVIDIA GPU driver for WSL 安装/升级 安装 请参考相应文献 升级 (1) 管理员模式打开PowerShell (2) 升级WSL到最新版本 wsl --update (3) 重启WSL wsl --shutdown Linux GUI apps are only supported with WSL 2 and will not work with a Linux distribution configured for WSL...
ERROR: /home/rthete/CUDA_Freshman/3_sum_arrays/,code:35,reason:CUDA driver version is insufficientforCUDA runtime version 在官网查看一下: 发现我474.44的驱动装了个12.2的cuda,显然是不匹配的 ...
To run Linux GUI apps, you should first install the driver matching your system below. This will enable you to use a virtual GPU (vGPU) so you can benefit from hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering. Intel GPU driver AMD GPU driver NVIDIA GPU driverFresh...
sudo dpkg-i cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-4-local_11.4.0-470.42.01-1_amd64.deb sudo apt-keyadd/var/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-4-local/ sudo apt-getupdate 该命令可以只安装CUDA Toolkit,而不会附带安装NVIDIA Driver,等待完成即可。
由于wsl下对物理机的nvidia显卡是使用模拟的方式,这时的wsl中使用的nvidia驱动其实是wsl-nvidia-driver,也正是由于该驱动的一些特性导致在wsl中如果使用nvidia-docker启动自身带有nvidia driver和cuda的容器就会在启动时报错。其报错的故障具体点为wsl使用nvidia-docker启动容器时在自动创建/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/...