# This file was automatically generated by WSL. To stopautomatic generation of this file, add the following entry to /etc/wsl.conf:# [network]# generateResolvConf = falsenameserver 可以看到 DNS 服务器是172.19.80.1,通过环境变量ALL_PROXY配置代理: exportALL_PROXY="
automatic generationofthisfile,add the following entry to/etc/wsl.conf:#[network]# generateResolvConf=falsenameserver172.19.80.1 可以看到 DNS 服务器是,通过环境变量 ALL_PROXY 配置代理: 代码语言:javascript 复制 exportALL_PROXY="" 7890 是 Windows 上运行的代理客户...
export ALL_PROXY="http://$host_ip:7890" 脚本通过cat /etc/resolv.conf来获取 DNS 服务器,也就是 Windows 的 IP,再将其中的 IP 部分截取出来,加上代理客户端的端口(我的是 7890,可以根据自己实际情况修改),使用 export 写入环境变量中。 脚本也可以从这里下载.proxyrc,使用时只需要source .proxyrc就可以...
export HTTP_PROXY=$ALL_PROXY export http_proxy=$ALL_PROXY export HTTPS_PROXY=$ALL_PROXY export https_proxy=$ALL_PROXY if [ "`git config --global --get proxy.https`" != "socks5://$windows_host:10808" ]; then git config --global proxy.https socks5://$windows_host:10808 fi 1. 2...
unset http_proxy unset HTTP_PROXY unset https_proxy unset HTTPS_PROXY unset ALL_PROXY unset all_proxy } test_setting(){ echo "Host ip:" ${hostip} echo "WSL ip:" ${wslip} echo "Current proxy:" $https_proxy } if [ "$1" = "set" ] ...
unset ALL_PROXY unset all_proxy sudo sed -i -e '/Acquire::http::Proxy/d' /etc/apt/apt.conf sudo sed -i -e '/Acquire::https::Proxy/d' /etc/apt/apt.conf curl myip.ipip.net } # <<< proxy setting <<< 3. 就是直接使用exporthttps_proxy=socks5://暂时的。想...
proxy; \ unset ALL_PROXY;'简单来说,每次运行setp的时候也会修改 ~/.ssh/config文件里WSL的...
(demo) winse@DESKTOP-BR4MG38:~$ export ALL_PROXY=socks5:// HTTPS_PROXY=socks5:// HTTP_PROXY=socks5:// (demo) winse@DESKTOP-BR4MG38:~$ pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/accelerate ...
autoProxy=true Expected Behavior WSL to configure http and https proxy variables as stated here: WSL Troubleshoot When enabled, the following apply to proxy settings on your Linux distributions: The Linux environment variable, HTTP_PROXY, is set to the one or more HTTP proxies found installed in...