LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
• DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Classical while browsing the web or catching up on your email. ...
LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
Based upon the broadcast and online services of WSKG Public Media, Binghamton, NY. The WSKG app features: LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical eve…
LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
• DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Classical while browsing the web or catching up on your email. ...
LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
LIVE STREAMING • Listen to WSKG or WSKG Classical even while traveling. • DVR-like controls: pause the live stream to have a conversation and pick up right where you left off. Rewind to catch a comment you may have missed. • Listen in the background to WSKG radio or WSKG Cla...
When it works, it’s great, but when it doesn’t… I love and support WSKG. I listen to WSKG radio on the app. You have to press a forward arrow button to start it, then 2 bars gradually turn white as it loads. Then the radio is audible. Recently it’s back to its age old...