都配置完,我这里和JA1LZB做了一次通联测试很是好用!每次通联完会弹出个Log QSO记录确认保存页面,点击OK就可以了。下面我们开始打开GridTracker辅助软件,他会以图形化的界面展示出来WSJTX解码到的数据,是一款非常非常不错的软件。点击第三个图标,会显示当前解码到的数据,重点是有国家显示便于识别 点击第二排的小...
- added QSO counter in the status bar, at right bottom corner of the user interface. wsjtx_log.adi being used to count JT65/JT9 contacts. - added date for every decoded message in the ALL.TXT file. It shall simplify searching for any QSO missed in the logbook. It is not recommended ...
You can also load your ADIF log files from WSJT-X, Qrz.com, LoTW, PSKReporter and others to get a visual view of ‘stations worked’, stations that can hear you and more! It might be an interesting project to set up a permanent GridTracker display using an RTL-SDR V3 in direct samp...
RUMlogNG支持与WSJT-X集成 O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 娱闻少女 08月15日 22:50 #肖战黄景瑜 王牌# 肖战黄景瑜要合作了?男神同框了啊!你们期待嘛? 66 ...
RUMlogNG是由DXer开发的一套业余无线电日志,QSL操作以及打印的工具,特别适用于短波DXer。它可以处理无限数量的日志。Clublog数据用于自动DXCC识别,包括比赛模块。可以直接使用Fldigi或Elecraft收发信机操作RTTY模式。 使用RUMlogNG,您可以打印QSL标签并管理收入的纸质QSL。并支持LoTW和eQSL,您可以非常快速地为全球QSL服务...
应该将其安装到~/.config/systemd/user/ ,适当调整Cloudlog实例的URL,然后以systemctl --user start cloudlog-adifwatch.service 。 要在用户登录时自动启动它,请使用systemctl --user enable cloudlog-adifwatch.service启用它。 默认情况下,systemd单元希望Cloudlog API密钥在~/.config/cloudlog-adifwatch/key...
Sudo apt-get Install-y asciidoctor libfftw3-dev qt ative5-dev texinfo libqt5Multimedia5-plugins qtMultimedia5-dev libus b-1.0.0-dev libqt5Serialport5-dev asciidoc libudev-dev qttools5-dev libost-工具-dev libost-log-dev libBoost-system-dev libost-线程-libdev-libdev程序-选项-libost-sy...
n2yqt WSJT-X Logging What is the trick to getting QCRLOG to do a call lookup when it logs from WSJT-X in remote mode? All the info shows up in the New QSO window but when it actually logs it the name and everything else goes away....
sudo apt-get install -y asciidoctor libfftw3-dev qtdeclarative5-dev texinfo libqt5multimedia5 libqt5multimedia5-plugins qtmultimedia5-dev libusb-1.0.0-dev libqt5serialport5-dev asciidoc libudev-dev qttools5-dev-tools qttools5-dev libboost-tools-dev libboost-log-dev libboost-system-dev libb...
When youeither press “Log QSO”at wsjt-x main window,orget it open automatic when sending 73 bychecking Wsjt-x'sConfiguration/Settings/Reporting/Prompt me to log qso,you will have wsjt-x's logging form open. Check it’s information, add power and remarks if needed. After finishing with...