Download the WSTJ-X software from If you need the 32 bit version it is at the same webpage. Download the manual as well!Download flrig (might as well grab the rest of the fast light digital modem goodies while you...
JTDX WSJT-X v1.7 based HF evaluation version by UA3DJY UA3DJY IgorさんがWSJT-X v1.7.0 r6462のJT65AデコードルーチンをHF帯でのデコード特性を向上させた拡張バージョン。 Three-pass decoding や Preamp を搭載してオリジナル版WSJT-Xよりデコード率が高い。 強力な局の隣接周波数の局や...
Set Split Operation in WSJT-X to Rig or Fake It, unless there is no rig control in N1MM+ (“Manual Radio”) Under Reporting, set the UDP Server to Accept UDP requests 12a. (this particular step is for JTDX only; not for WSJT-X) Set the TCP address in External logbook connection ar...