Shopping Center Marketing Group is a marketing firm based in Clearwater, FL, specializing in promoting and supporting businesses within shopping centers. With a focus on strategic marketing initiatives and targeted campaigns, the company aims to drive foot traffic and enhance brand visibility for its ...
- '@ TNX 73' TX macro is set as default free message, where '@' symbol handles 'his call' - RX frequency CALL3.TXT data based Hint decoder is split to the message specific decoders, memory usage for this group of the Hint decoders is reduced. There are three decoders now in this...
group(2)), mode, def parse_from_wsprd(self, msg): # wspr sample # '2600 -24 0.4 0.001492 -1 G8AXA JO01 33' # '0052 -29 2.6 0.001486 0 G02CWT IO92 23' wsjt_msg = msg[29:].strip() self.parseWsprMessage(wsjt_msg) Metrics.getSharedInstance().pushDecodes(self....
SELECT STATION – A window will show all the stations in the last group. You can select the station to reply to. The effect is the same as double clicking the station in the WSJT-X Band Activity panel.SORTING - The app includes an option to sort each burst based on signal strength, ...
GERMANY XIANZHOU GROUP CO., LTD 电话:13910052844(微信同步) 联系人:刘先生 地址:北京市海淀区增光路27号2-1-1102 RSF3WSJT-73-10R √ 欧美㊣品 ▲10/11+ 9383 9383 【】实时报价有图&PDF 上海金庆电子科技京城市场部 电话:021-51872165/51872561 联系人:陈小姐 付先生 地址:上海市...
GERMANY XIANZHOU GROUP CO., LTD 电话:13910052844(微信同步) 联系人:刘先生 地址:北京市海淀区增光路27号2-1-1102 RSF2WSJT22R √ 欧美㊣品 ▲10/11+ 8956 8956 【】实时报价有图&PDF 查询更多RSF2WSJT22R供应信息 发布时间:2025/2/13 15:03:00...
在给Yahoo WSJT Group的一篇帖子中,Rich Ferch,VE3KI用一个词描述了这场模拟比赛:“混乱”。他要求取消这一“功能”,该功能允许操作员继续呼叫CQ-ing电台,即使该电台已经转到其他人那里。他说:“至少,要等到另一个QSO结束后再呼叫。” 在实践活动之前,Taylor说,开发人员“正在寻找反馈意见,什么是好的,什么不...
12:03 3月 7 日 周五 攻略指南 常用工具 搜索 1.SEO信息: 全网流量总和:0 IP 百度PC来路:0 IP 百度移动来路:0 IP 百度PC权重: 移动权重: 2.ALEXA排名: 世界排名:0 预估日均IP≈0 预估日均PV≈0 3.www.bywsjt.com页面TDK信息 标题(Title)37个字符 (一般不超过80字符):博源旺厦-江苏博源旺厦集团...
向K1JT Joe Taylor和WSJT Development Group致谢。 WSJT-X和相关程序的算法,源代码,外观和协议以及FSK441,FT8,JT4,JT6M,JT9,JT65,JTMS,QRA64,ISCAT,MSK144模式的协议规范均版权所有:copyright:2001-由以下一位或多位作者撰写的2017年作品:约瑟夫·泰勒(Joseph Taylor),K1JT; 比尔·萨默维尔(Bill Somerville),G4...