马云:美国电子商务市场潜力无穷 本周一在WSJD Live现场,马云称,对和苹果公司在支付环节上进行合作很有兴趣。库克随后回应称,阿里巴巴符合苹果公司挑选合作伙伴的一切标准,但他并未特别说明苹果公司是否会和阿里巴巴在支付业上进行合作。 支付宝的积极用户已经突破3亿,成为排在VISA和万事达卡之后的世界第三大支付服务。
11月5日消息,据国外媒体报道,雅虎日前宣布,将于12月3日关闭其视频直播服务网站Yahoo Live。 视频网站 雅虎 据国外媒体报道,在推出Yahoo Live视频流服务仅9个月后,雅虎就决定关闭该服务了。 雅虎Yahoo Live 一个名为Yahoo!Live的站点刚刚启动,这是这家即将被收购的搜索引擎站点开放的新服务,目前还在试验性运营阶段...
WSJD Live将于当地时间10月19日在加州蒙太奇拉古纳海滩酒店拉开帷幕,大会将持续3天时间,库克确切的出席时间并未公布。
Apple Pay saw more than one million card activations within 72 hours of launch and is already the leading NFC payments player in the US, Apple CEO Tim Cook has revealed during the Wall Street Journal’s WSJDLive event. Cook also outlined future growth plans for the service, including a pote...
Uber CEO Travis Kalanickaddressed as a speaker atWall Street Journal Live Conference–WSJD LIVEin Laguna Beach, California on Tuesday. Have you been looking forUberon the IPO list? Not happening. The ride-sharing app company has no plans to go public yet. Kalanick described the phase of...
WSJDLive 公司 “美国滴滴”Lyft CEO 否认公司在售,但靠“补贴大法”还可以撑多久? John Zimmer 不断强调 Lyft 订单数量的上升,却避而不谈盈利计划,反而让 Lyft 尴尬处境欲盖弥彰——订单越多,亏得越多。 刘 浩南 2016-10-26 16:19 0 2 加载更多 ...
WSJDLive 根据Activate的数据,微信在每位用户身上获得的平均收入为7美元(约合人民币45元),KakaoTalk为4.24美元(约合人民币27元),Line为3.16美元(约合人民币20元)。...
Last month’sWSJD Liveconference in tony Laguna Beach, CA, was a hot ticket. You could take adrone selfie with Rupert Murdoch, maybetroll an Apple exec with AirDrop, and of course listen to fascinating talks and interviews with some of the biggest names in technology, inclu...
Honestly I think Tim is being conservative and setting expectations low so Apple can beat them. Jony Ive mentioned an alarm feature using the taptic engine, which of course would be difficult to use if the watch is sitting in a charger and not on your wrist. So either he knows something ...
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook will take top billing in appearing for an interview at the first-ever WSJDLive technology conference, to be held in California in late October.