GDP反映的是这些交易的支出方面,GDI反映的是收入方面。 In theory, GDI and GDP should equal each other, though there is always some statistical discrepancy because they are measured using diferent data sets and diferent sources. This year the discrepancy has been unusually large. During the first hal...
《Business Insider》报道,全美企业经济协会(National Association of Business Economics,NABE)周一公布的调查结果显示,87%的受访经济学家认为,第二波疫情是美国未来经济前景面临的最大风险。接受NABE调查的经济学家认为,今年美国GDP将下降5.9%,创二战以来最大降幅。
China will make a potential shift "toward pouring more investment into green energy, which would help the country achieve its longer-term climate goals, while lifting short-term GDP," Iris Pang, chief China economist at ING Bank, was quoted as saying.■...
China will make a potential shift "toward pouring more investment into green energy, which would help the country achieve its longer-term climate goals, while lifting short-term GDP," Iris Pang, chief China economist at ING Bank, was quoted as saying.■...
甚至超过微电子芯片行业而且不幸的是,这个 ...没有别的国家能像美国一样医疗支出占gdp六分之一,...
1870年至1900年间,美国经通胀调整后的国民生产总值(gdp)增长了233%,这是前所未有的。Between 1870 and 1900, America's inflation-adjusted gross national product expanded by an unprecedented 233%. 虽然人口几乎翻了一番,但实际人均国民生产总值飙升了90%。 Though the population nearly doubled, real per ca...