While noting that Apple's 9 million unit launch "is far higher than previous launches. The last three opening weekends—for the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S and iPhone 4—were 'over five million,' 'over four million,' and 1.7 million, respectively," Winkler points out that Apple...
In this post, I explain what the WSJ and Financial Times articles are missing regarding the connection between oil and the economy. I also explain how the inability of oil prices to rise very far suggests that the downslope may be considerably steeper than most models based only on the Hubber...
The report notes that both LogMeIn and the unnamed second application have been featured in TV and print ads from Apple touting the App Store. Simon said that his company's software was included in the advertisements and given the free publicity without any prior consultation. Apple has t...
For the last few years, I have little respect for Google’s way of operating in China. Today, Google has regained a portion of my lost respect. It is probably to early to draw a conclusion. Lets see what happen in the next few days....
"Visitors to the newspaper's front page will see an iPad-specific, Flash-free page," Kafka said of theJournal'siPad Web site. "But those who click deeper into the site will eventually find pages that haven’t been converted." ...
A new report has rung an early death knell for once-mighty photography pioneer Eastman Kodak, claiming that the company is preparing a bankruptcy protection filing in case it is unable to sell off its digital imaging patents.
A new report alleges that Apple's fledgling mobile advertising service, iAd, is off to a "bumpy start," as advertisers experience delays due to Apple's creative involvement.
No BlackBerry email services but Yahoo Mail's free BlackBerry-style "push" email to iPhone users "worked fine." iPhone can view, but can't edit or save Word or Excel files. "Its battery life is excellent. In our tests, it got seven hours and 18 minutes of continuous talk time, ...
In November, the Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi had earned $556 million based on "internal documents." Reuters is now reporting that the company actually earned an order of magnitude less, based on the firm's public...
Watch the Latest from AppleInsider TV The newspaper suggested that crowds were "tempered" by the fact that Apple offeredonline preordersstarting March 12, and the hardware was shipped directly to consumers for free on launch date. It also speculated that some could be waiting for the ...