WSDM'22 Best Paper: Learning Discrete Representations via Constrained Clustering for Effective and Efficient Dense Retrieval - GitHub - jingtaozhan/RepCONC: WSDM'22 Best Paper: Learning Discrete Representations via Constrained Clustering for Effective a
This repository is the PyTorch impelementation for WSDM 2024 paper: Linear Recurrent Units for Sequential Recommendation [Paper][Code] (BibTex citation at the bottom) Zhenrui Yue*, Yueqi Wang*, Zhankui He†, Huimin Zeng, Julian McAuley, Dong Wang. Linear Recurrent Units for Sequential Recomme...
We explicitly encourage the submission of preliminary work in the form of extended abstracts (2 pages). Best Paper Awards: Best paper awards will be given to papers submitted to the workshop. Submission Instructions: All papers will be peer reviewed. We encourage submissions of the following type...