经过词义消岐,%s在该句子中的意思为 %s .'% (wsd_word, true_meaning)) 输出结果如下: ['赛季', '初', '时候', '众望所归', '西部', '决赛', '球队'] 火箭_燃气推进装置: 初, 频数为: 2,TF-IDF值为: 12.49585502688717 火箭_NBA球队名: 赛季, ...
sent_cut = []forwordinsent_words:ifwordnotinstopwords: sent_cut.append(word)print(sent_cut)# 计算其他词的TF-IDF以及频数wsd_dict = {}forfileinos.listdir('.'):ifwsd_wordinfile: wsd_dict[file.replace('.txt','')] = read_file(file)# 统计每个词语在语料中出现的次数tf_dict = {}formea...
In this work, FCA is used to build a knowledge-base that is exploited for NE annotation. The problem of ambiguity can be considered according to several Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) approaches =-=[1]-=-. Knowledge-based approaches attempt to select the meaning of words using lexicons, ...
对于笔者的这个算法,虽然有一定的效果,但是也不总是识别正确。比如,对于最后一个测试的句子,识别的结果就是错误的,其实“休斯顿”才是识别该词语义项的关键词,但很遗憾,在笔者的算法中,“休斯顿”的权重并不高。 对于词义消岐算法,如果还是笔者的这个思路,那么有以下几方面需要改进: ...
Note: I've added comments for the meaning of each option in the source files. In general, I'd suggest referencing theoriginal library on which these options are based, which might provide more detailed descriptions. interfaceMatrixOptions{brightness:number;chainLength:1|2|3|4;cols:16|32|40|...
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) consists in associating a given word in a text or discourse with a definition or meaning (sense) which is distinguishable from other meanings potentially attributable to that word. Sense disambiguation is an "intermediate task" which is not an end in itself, but ...
qwsd These two phrases are not comparable as they are unrelated and do not form complete sentences. "In pursuant to the" is a fragment that needs to be part of a larger sentence to make sense, while "qwsd" appears to be a random sequence of letters with no meaning in English....
On the other hand, we integrated a local relevance feedback technique, called Local Context Analysis, in both indexing levels of the system (keyword and word meaning). The hypothesis that Local Context Analysis can be effective even when it works on word meanings coming from a WSD algorithm ...
Hinrich Schütze, Dimensions of meaning, Proceedings of the 1992 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, p.787-796, November 16-20, 1992, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Slator, Brian, "Using Context for Sense Preference," in Text-based Intelligent Systems: Current Research in Text Analysis,...
In target-word sense disambiguation the scope is limited to assigning meaning to occurrences of a few predefined target words in the given corpus of text. Most popular approaches to WSD use supervised machine learning methods to train a classifier using a set of labeled instances of the ...