with the ultimate goal being to participate in the final round; the World’s Scholars Championship...
Students were soon put through their paces in debates considering whether great leaders should be cloned, if Antarctica should open beach resorts, or if clothing libraries are an answer to the world’s waste problems. Team writing followed allowing expression as creative as calligram poems, movie s...
Students were soon put through their paces in debates considering whether great leaders should be cloned, if Antarctica should open beach resorts, or if clothing libraries are an answer to the world’s waste problems. Team wr...
Students were soon put through their paces in debates considering whether great leaders should be cloned, if Antarctica should open beach resorts, or if clothing libraries are an answer to the world’s waste problems. Team writing followed allowing expression as creative as calligram poems, movie s...
2016年美國Open Syllabus Project統計,全美大學有超過3,000堂課程將《The Elements of Style》列為指定參考書,在美國幾乎人手一冊,許多教授都要求學生必須熟讀史壯克的「7個英文語法規則」&「11大文章寫作原則」,唯有反覆練習這18個原理,才能寫出道地、簡潔、言之有物的文章。本書也是文壇巨匠史蒂芬.金讚嘆不已的...