皇家悉尼高尔夫俱乐部 Royal Sydney Golf Club | 澳大利亚高尔夫球场 俱乐部 AUS 澳洲#49|悉尼,Irving Kent ¥100 格兰德高尔夫俱乐部 The Grand Golf Club | 澳大利亚高尔夫球场 俱乐部 AUS 澳洲#51|黄金海岸,Greg Norman, Bob Harrison 券 满1000元减50 ¥100 康科德高尔夫俱乐部 Concord Golf Club | ...
chinese stall, pork & toufu rice. Such a big portion, $9.50, actually can feed 2 person lo. Dinner at the restaurant nearby, can’t recall the pasta name, ya, i know is fettuccine, the lemonade taste like water. Internet charges is high yet slow...