For WSA-Script and MagiskOnWSALocal users, you need to run Run.bat in the extracted dir. If the script fails, you can take the following steps for diagnosis (admin privilege required): Open a PowerShell window and change working directory to your Windows Subsystem For Android™ directory... Issues.html index.html installer scripts xml .gitattributes LICENSEBreadcrumbs WSA-Script /docs /Guides / Latest...
WSA class in UnityEditor 描述 特定于 Windows 应用商店的播放器设置。 静态变量 inputSourceUnity 从中获取输入内容的位置。 transparentSwapchain在交换链上将 AlphaMode 设置为 DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED。 静态函数 GetVisualAssetsImage获取图像路径,将填充到 Visual Studio 解决方案和程序包清单中。
class in UnityEngine.WSA Description 表示Windows 开始屏幕上的瓦片 此类可以用于创建或更新开始屏幕上的辅助瓦片,以及获取瓦片实例以向它们发送通知。 Static Variables main返回应用程序主瓦片 Variables exists辅助瓦片是否固定到开始屏幕。 hasUserConsent用户是批准(固定到开始屏幕)还是拒绝了辅助瓦片。
class in UnityEngine.WSA Description 能够针对文件类型或协议启动用户的默认应用程序的类。另请参阅 PlayerSettings,您可以在其中指定文件或 URI 关联。 Static Functions LaunchFile启动与指定文件关联的默认应用程序。 LaunchFileWithPicker打开用于选择文件的对话框。
UnityEngine.Windows UnityEngine.WSA Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes UnityEditor Other GestureRecognizer.NavigationCompletedEvent Other Versions Parameters value Delegate to be triggered when a complete event is triggered. Description Fires when a Navigation gesture is completed. This event f...
class in UnityEngine.WSA Descripción Class which is capable of launching user's default app for file type or a protocol. See also PlayerSettings where you can specify file or URI associations. Funciones Estáticas LaunchFile Launches the default app associated with specified file. LaunchFileWithPi...
PlayerSettings.WSA.applicationDescription public static string applicationDescription ; 描述 The description text that the Microsoft Store displays with your application.In the Editor, Unity displays this text under Application UI in UWP Player Settings. ...
These get initialized to a specific length on the first run of the script. MATLAB stores these definitions internally. Running the script a second time passing arrays of a different size causes the "dimension mismatch" error in the screenshot above, as the new arrays do not fit into the ...
Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) with GitHub Actions - WSA-Script/installer/Run.bat at main · YT-Advanced/WSA-Script