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and WSe2 Fang Wang, Junyong Wang, Shuang Guo, Jinzhong Zhang, Zhigao Hu & Junhao Chu The interlayer interaction of vertically stacked heterojunctions is very sensitive to the interlayer spacing, which will affect the coupling between the monolayers and allow band structure modulation....
Figure 2c shows a three-dimensional atomic force microscope (AFM) surface topography scan of the annealed aW(ottih1nfo0eSdcn0F2oSa)iifuAngn,ilnu(EnmF0treDil0e,gea 6s3s.lp ih)s2ana,o,cWgtb(w,t1epcsS1irhorn20noong)ncwf,oaiae(rfsns2mltstio0hht9ist.0enelhF)egWTeipegetElduh...
The isothermal crystallization step was followed by a heating step up to 180 ◦C at a rate of 5 ◦C min−1, and melting temperatures (Tm) were taken as the peak maxima of the melting endotherms. 2.2.2. Polarized Optical Microscopy (POM) Polarized optical microscopy (POM) was used ...
For example, when compared to the base oil, the average reduction percentage observed using no surfactants was 9%. Treatment with oleic acid yielded a 15% wear reduction while treatment with PVP resulted in a 43% reduction. When taken together with the DLS data in Figure 3a, these results ...