型号:WS-X6708-10G-3CXL 类型:网络模块 传输速率:其他 <P><SPAN style="COLOR: black">我公司专业销售思科<SPAN>CISCO4500</SPAN>系列、<SPAN>6500</SPAN>系列、<SPAN>7600</SPAN>系列路由器交换机模块防火墙等<SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></P> <P><SPAN style="COLOR: black">WS-C4503-E<SPAN> </SPAN...
I currently have a VSS setup on 2 6509-E using 2x VS-S720-10G. Today I tried to install 2x X6708-10G-3CXL, one into each chassis. The first log message I got was that fan tray was going into high-speed mode, is this correct? I then installed the second card i...
I currently have a VSS setup on 2 6509-E using 2x VS-S720-10G. Today I tried to install 2x X6708-10G-3CXL, one into each chassis. The first log message I got was that fan tray was going into high-speed mode, is this correct? I then installed the second card i...