Existing WebSocket implementations do not allow users to reuse I/O buffers between connections in clear way. This library aims to export efficient low-level interface for working with the protocol without forcing only one way it could be used. By the way, if you want get the higher-level too...
ws: a Node.js WebSocket library ws is a simple to use, blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation. Passes the quite extensive Autobahn test suite: server, client. Note: This module does not work in the browser. The client in the docs is a reference to ...
ws: a Node.js WebSocket library ws是一个使用简单、速度极快、经过全面测试的WebSocket后端客户端和后端服务器的实现。 注:ws模块不能在浏览器中使用,浏览器客户端必须使用原始WebSocket对象。 1、协议支持: protocolVersion: 8 (HyBi drafts 07-12) protocolVersion: 13 (HyBi drafts 13-17) 2、安装: npm ...
Existing WebSocket implementations do not allow users to reuse I/O buffers between connections in clear way. This library aims to export efficient low-level interface for working with the protocol without forcing only one way it could be used. ...
服务端使用:ws: a Node.js WebSocket library 客户端使用:WebSocket 服务端 安装依赖 pnpm 1. 修改package.json "type":"module", 1. server.js import { WebSocketServer } from "ws"; const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 8080 }); ...
ws: a Node.js WebSocket library Table of Contents Protocol support Installing Opt-in for performance Legacy opt-in for performance API docs WebSocket compression Usage examples Sending and receiving text data Sending binary data Simple server
WebSocket 是一种基于 TCP 连接的全双工通信的协议,其工作在应用层,建立连接的时候通过复用 Http 握手...
WebSocketendpoints forExpressapplications. Lets you define WebSocket endpoints like any other type of route, and applies regular Express middleware. The WebSocket support is implemented with the help of thewslibrary. Installation npm install --save express-ws ...
description = `Launch and connect to Chromium with a library like puppeteer or others that work over chrome-devtools-protocol.`; path = [WebsocketRoutes['/'], WebsocketRoutes.chromium]; tags = [APITags.browserWS]; handler = async ( req: Request, socket: Duplex, head: Buffer, _...
This library supports web-based WebSockets by default and supports the Nodewspackage by calling: setWebSocket(WebSocketasanyasCommonWebSocket); While the Node ws WebSocket interface doesn't perfectly align with the web equivalent, for the aspects we use, it does. ...