Near Earth Object Web Service (NeoWs) is a service for near earth asteroid information. With NeoWs a user can: search for asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth, lookup a specific asteroid with its NASA JPL small body ID, as well as browse the overall data-set....
Near Earth Object Web Service (NeoWs) is a service for near earth asteroid information. With NeoWs a user can: search for asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth, lookup a specific asteroid with its NASA JPL small body ID, as well as browse the overall data-set....
Near Earth Object Web Service (NeoWs) is a service for near earth asteroid information. With NeoWs a user can: search for asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth, lookup a specific asteroid with its NASA JPL small body ID, as well as browse the overall data-set....
Virtual Reality (VR) headset app and associated website Allows doctors to manage and treat vestibular patients. Virtual reality app that treats patients for vestibular issues Released through a FDA process Can be branded for multiple clinics
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Convos - Always online web IRC client. (Demo, Source Code) Artistic-2.0 Perl InspIRCd - Modular IRC server written in C++ for Linux, BSD, Windows, and macOS. (Source Code) GFDL-1.2-only C++ Dispatch - Self-hosted web IRC client written in Go. (Demo) MIT Go Kiwi IRC - Responsive web...
2014-09-18 @好东西传送门: 问: @子_相 目前支持Python 3的各种Web Crawler包?输入HTML, 输出是能支持Xpath 和CSS式的selector查询的object,有没有比较宽松容错的parser? 答: 不完善初步答案 MechanicalSoup和robobrowser都支持python3; beautifulSoup4 支持多种html parser处理HTML和CSS ...
Welcome (Bine aţi venit) to the official website of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, a Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. MAKE A DONATION TODAY!SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE EPISCOPATE Saint of the Day (Audio) / Vieţile Sfinţilor (Audio) Feasts & SaintsOrthodox Ch...
Web Coated (SWOP) v2. You can also select None to prevent CMYK images from being converted. Note: Selecting None for all three of the working spaces has the same effect as selecting Leave Color Unchanged. Preserve CMYK Values For Calibrated CMYK Color Spaces: When selected, device-...