請開啟 Mac App Store 以購買和下載 App。 WS4+ Workflow Systems LLC 專為iPad 設計 免費 截圖 iPad iPhone 簡介 Мобильноеприложение «WS» являетсяинструментомдляподключенияксерверамплатформы WORKFLOW TE...
開啟Mac App Store 購買和下載 App。 WS4+ Workflow Systems LLC 專為iPad 設計 免費 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 Мобильноеприложение «WS» являетсяинструментомдляподключенияксерверамплатформы WORKFLOW TECHN...
MaximMobile is a native mobile app that provides a workspace for users to install and run the suite of mobile applications developed by Maxim Consulting Group L…
App 隐私 开发者“Workflow Systems LLC”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,且数据与你的身份关联: 联系信息 用户内容 未与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,但数据不会关联你的身份: ...
华为路由器的手机App名为“华为智能家居”,在AppStore和各大安卓应用商店可以搜索下载,这里的体验以安卓版本为例。非华为手机初次使用需要安装华为移动服务应用。 进入华为智能家居App登录自己的华为账户,在App首页右上角的加号选择“添加设备”,手机开启蓝牙后会自动搜索到附近在线但未经过配置的华为智能家居设备,选择...
The Medical Authority itself does not store or aggregate any of these records, that is the responsibility of the individual participants in the ecosystem. This framework empowers the individual participants in the system to make decisions about how and when to release Health Records based on a ...
VPP app deploymentsmay fail with:“Error Code : 12064 Could not retrieve license for the app with iTunes Store ID.” Public app deploymentsmay fail with:“Error Code : 5002 An unknown error has occurred.” Note:All iOS versions are affected. ...
Say I have a linux desktop app that manually handles the drawing of it's content (it's frame-buffer) using CUDA/OptiX, then displaying that in the app's window using whatever API that's native to the linux distribution. The drawing of the window's "chrome" (borders, title-bar, etc....
keystores .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE README.md build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat project.properties settings.gradle Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license WarmShowers for Android You can also get it via IzzyOnDroid repo. This app is discontinued...