for WS-C3850-12S-S-WS from $223.80 Cisco Third Party Maintenance Cisco Third Party Maintenance Cisco Third Party Maintenance Cisco Third Party Maintenance 3PM, TPM or Third Party Maintenance is support from providers other than the original manufacturer. It extends the lifecycle of hardware by prov...
型号:WS-C3850-48T-L 规格:Cisco Catalyst 3850 48 Port Data LAN Base 单位:台 咨询热线:027-88713568 详细描述 Cisco®Catalyst® 3850 系列是新一代的企业级可堆叠以太网和千兆位级以太网接入和聚集层交换机,在单一平台上提供有线和无线网络的融合。该交换机采用了思科最新的统一接入数据层面(UADP...
WS-C3650-48T 15.90 7.21 WS-C3650-48P 16.75 7.60 WS-C3650-48F 17.20 7.80 STACK-T2-BLANK 0.1 0.05 C3650-STACK-KIT 0.25 0.11 MTBF 小时 WS-C3650-24T 661,800 WS-C3650-24P 528,280 WS-C3650-48T 527,580 WS-C3650-48P 383,760 WS-C3650-48F 383,760 PWR-C2-250WAC ...
表 1. Cisco Catalyst 3850 系列配置 型号 10/100/1000 或 SFP、SFP+ 端口总数 默认 AC 电源 可用 PoE 功率 StackWise-480 StackPower WS-C3850-24T 24 350WAC - 支持 支持 WS-C3850-48T 48 WS-C3850-24P 24 PoE+ 715WAC 435W WS-C3850-48P 48 PoE+ WS-C3850-48F 48...