Overall: Switch to Tathagata's (not any other) DD-WRT build for v2 R6400 > Use the .chk file followed by the .trx file (both from the XWRT-Vortex zip) to switch to Merlin. Notes: You might have to reboot a few times for the router to settle. The first few times, your setti...
vortexilation on Oct 11, 2024· edited by vortexilation Edits Author frequencies grabbed from "iw list" seems detected as 12 dBm but "no IR" : Frequencies: * 5955.0 MHz [1] (12.0 dBm) (no IR) * 5975.0 MHz [5] (12.0 dBm) (no IR) * 5995.0 MHz [9] (12.0 dBm) (no IR) *...
测试时分别将MSI Vortex G25 8RE连接至WRT32X和另一台带QoS功能但无Killer支持模式的路由器(下称对比路由器),通过局域网中的另一台PC实现接近带宽上限的下载,测试MSI Vortex G25 8RE的游戏延时。 由于路由器及QoS策略的不同,在连接WRT32X时,局域网中PC的下载速度达到了20MB/S左右,而在连接另一台路由时,下载... wns.notify.windows.com.akadns.net v10-win.vortex.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net us.vortex-win.data.microsoft.com us-v10.events.data.microsoft.com urs.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microso...
Credit to XVortex and rdallen. After you've performed these steps, you can flash above Firmware version and newer using the GUI. Code: # Backup MTD5 (dd produces identical bin) cat /dev/mtd5 > /jffs/mtd5_backup.bin # Copy mtd5_backup.bin from ...
• 收了一个minix u22盒子 • MINIX U22XJ 固件(基于Xvortex改开机动画/添加小白文件管理) • MINIX NEO U22-XJ调节提高画质颜色的设置方法 • MINIX NEO U22-XJ关于电视显示画面颜色发灰、发涩不正常的解... >重磅!满血版DeepSeek免费用,免登录,极速不卡顿!回复...
EA6900-XVortex adblock dnsmasq_ipv6_ra old DDWRT USB storage and NAS v3.pdf DDWRT VLANs, VAPs and WAPs-9.pdf DDWRT Virtual Access Point-9.pdf DDWRT Wireless Bridge v5.pdf HOW-TO iperf3 throughput testing.md IPv6 DNSMasq IPv6 RA.pdf README.md Wireless Access Point...
This unit is an automatic assembly detection unit, which integrates the regulating wheel assembly, turbine assembly, locking assembly, vortex closing assembly, assembly assembly, friction plate bonding assembly and other automatic production lines.
Quenching of vortex breakdown oscillations via harmonic modulation Vortex breakdown is a phenomenon inherent to many practical problems, such as leading-edge vortices on aircraft, atmospheric tornadoes, and flame-holders i... JM Lopez,YD Cui,F Marques,... - 《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》 被引量...
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