On top of that, Usato learns that he is capable of using healing magic—an incredibly rare affinity in this new world. Now Usato must spend his days with the rescue team thugs, struggling through their hellish training regimen—learning the wrong way to use healing magic. Get ready for an...
When Freyja taught the practice of seidr - a form of magic - to the Aesir, the seidrkonur became the ones to oversee magic. Seid-kona were women, although men could also practice magic. Despite some stigma attached to men performing divinations, healing rituals, or other aspect of magic, ...
It’s been almost three months since the last release, so we thought it’s a good idea to release another beta. This way those of you not following the progress on ourforumswill get at least some kind of indication we are alive and working. The update fixes another batch of stuff as ...