Now these are just ideas I’ve been asking myself. I think if I could pinpoint a direction I am confident in, it would make things so much easier to focus and really strive forward when looking at deals, learning, getting better and thinking smarter as an investor. Right now it feels ...
And much more importantly (said the Watcher),you failed to understand and notice a kind of outside assault on your internal integrity, you did not notice how this parable was setting up two pieces of yourself at odds, so that you could not be both at once, andarranging for one of them...
Offhand it seems to me possible, too, that what bothered Confucius about the “village worthies” was not any particular way in which they fell short of greatness, but simply that they were less than great people who, being better than anyone else in the village, were held up as models,...
We find ourselves at what may be one of the most critical periods in the history of humanity and the universe. This is kind of crazy–though I’ll refer you to thewritings of Holden Karnofskyfor a compelling argument for why believing anything else is equally crazy. In the next few decade...