I found this diode to be shorted, failing a diode direction test and registering about 4ohms to the chassis. Since I’m using a proper 5v TTL cable, I decided to lift one side of the diode to break the short to see if that would allow communication. Luckily, it did and the radio ...
I found this diode to be shorted, failing a diode direction test and registering about 4ohms to the chassis. Since I’m using a proper 5v TTL cable, I decided to lift one side of the diode to break the short to see if that would allow communication. Luckily, it did and the radio ...
Rival Sons took to the wooded lands outside of Nashville, Tenn., to record their 2019 effortFeral Roots, and that atmosphere was especially influential on opening track “Do Your Worst.” With fuzzy riffs and gritty vocals, it sounds like a bluesy garage-rock track that was fermented in a ...
Maynard James Keenan began to find creative success with A Perfect Circle at the top of the century on top of his primary project at the time, Tool. “Judith,” the introductory single from the band, consists of brilliant instrumental work along with one of Keenan's most passionate and powe...
Crowds Gather at Apple Stores for iPhone 5 Launch — Customers in nine countries are gathering for the release of Apple Inc.'s latest iPhone amid signs of heavy demand for the high-profile handset. — Crowds started forming earlier this week outside an Apple retail store in New York … ...
Google's Event thing is something the company has worked very hard on, and has a lot of big plans for. It's too bad that I'll never use it, because Google has, yet again, made a product that may be useful and cool, but forced it upon users without giving users any control over...
songs. “Sex” and “Good Time” focus on The Dare’s staples, sex and partying while “Bloodwork” is solely trance-inducing beats. During this time, Smith put on “Freakquencies” events every Thursday as more and more of the Lower East Side began to discover what The Dare was about...
I found this diode to be shorted, failing a diode direction test and registering about 4ohms to the chassis. Since I’m using a proper 5v TTL cable, I decided to lift one side of the diode to break the short to see if that would allow communication. Luckily, it did and the radio ...