In Your Arms. This is a band with wild ambition, however, so it wasn’t surprising to see the Southampton, U.K. natives somewhat rip up the rulebook forSex, Death & the Infinite Void. Remaining a punk outfit
Bach could paint any mood on theorgan– but this is him at his grandest and mightiest, with a touch of showmanship. Like many of his epics for the instrument, Bach writes in a two-movement structure. The fantasia opens with powerful minor chords, enough to blow the socks off any listene...
Michael Nyman: The Heart Asks Pleasure First from ‘The Piano’ Michael Nyman uses the most beautiful chords and swirling semi-quavers in his theme for 1993 film, The Piano. A mute Scottish pianist, Ada, and her daughter find themselves on a New Zealand beach after Ada is sold into marri...
We're all one in this together. Mitakuye Oyasin. Brady crosses himself. Tanner and James put their hats back on and take swigs from their beer bottles. Cat picks up his guitar and starts strumming the chords of a country song he wrote called "Gambling Man" about the life of a rodeo ...
I noticed that the chords tab for the Untitled song was wrong, which was my reason for this posting. I love this song so here is my go at it. you can hear it here - ...
Other artists took note. That synthline allegedly inspiredThrillerand Phil Collins has admitted he ripped it off forSussudio. Prince even recycled the riff himself on his 2006 singleFury. The thick chords are the most iconic part of1999– pure stadium-fuel – but they’re so ear-catching, so...
I was making it up as we went along the first time because I didn’t even know I was going to ask people for chords, then I put a melody together and we’d pick our favorite one. And then I’d ask for lyrics. I don’t know what I was going to get that first time. Some pe...
In Sunlight or in Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper Anthology December 2016 In the Deathroom Short Story March 2002 In the Key-Chords of Dawn Poem April 2004 In the Shadow of the Master Anthology December 2008 In the Tall Grass Short Story Uncollected Insomnia ...
Give me the chords, the deep rivers, the unchanging profundity of nostalgia, love and death. Tiny had begun to roar. He was usually a reasonable man, but now his voice was high, shattering, crazy. "You rat-fucking, cock-sucking, asstonguing, sneaky, stinking fleabag." Obscenities ...
aThe “观察可能性” are computed by mapping the pitch saliences into a pitch-class representation and comparing them with trained profiles for major and minor chords. “观察可能性”通过映射沥青突起入投类表示法和他们计算与训练的外形比较为主要和较小弦。 [translate] aGood apart from the shitty ...