“Excelsior #EverUpward” is a three-minute film that is the culmination of numerous sleepless nights spent driving through NYC at the height of the quarantine. The film was created in an effort to positively reflect moving forward and highlight what New Yorkers miss most a...
Death, hunger and disillusionment: In the latter half of December 2019, my mother died suddenly, unexpectedly. We suspect COVID, not yet detected in the USA, but late 2019, in NYC, in a woman who regularly attended the movies, live theater and ate out? Entirely possible. Regardless, her ...
If you've been focusing on writing content for search engines instead of users, you might want to reconsider that strategy! — Lily Ray 😏 (@lilyraynyc)August 18, 2022 "SEO content" is deadhttps://t.co/H0x9UmMmOp — Rohan Ayyar (@searchrook)August 18, 2022 We will keep you pos...
The same marketing tactics that work for selling books also work for driving KU borrows: Promote your title to readers (through your email list, Facebook or Google ads, features on deal sites) Drive enough sales or download volume to rise in the bestseller charts ...