(Shostak's 4-processor algorithm was subtle but easy to understand; Pease's generalization was a remarkable tour de force.) We also added a generalization to networks that were not completely connected. (I don't remember whose work that was.) I also added some discussion of practical ...
The Hubby and I were invited last year to visit another good friend in Lisbon. We decided that we must do so. Instead of simply planning to stay with Tony for a week in Lisbon, I researched a way back to the UK from Lisbon by train. What a marvellous trip it has been. The train ...
First, let’s understand ‘simple’ does not mean ‘easy’. In simplifying any aspect of life, a large amount of mental work needs to be done at the beginning. Don’t use motivation to do the task, use it to find the most efficient way to get the task done. Yoga Zen Meditation –...
By Ooi Kee Beng, Editorial in Penang Monthly, August 2024 WE LIVE IN the Era of Nation-States. At the moment, there are 193 members in the United Nations (UN). Inevitably, we have to compare them to see what we can learn from each of them and to understand their level of comparabili...
Paul D When I received a paper revision from my new college professor, I was desperate as I didn’t know what to do. If not for Exquisiteessaywritings, I would be doomed. They know how to fix things for you and explain what was wrong as they fix it. Mark P. I asked my writer...
Actually, my first sentence is inaccurate: there are no historians left, at least not in the traditional sense of people looking back and trying to understand what happened and why, unraveling a thread to the present. Rather, a wave of what we used to call “fake news” took over – ...
This brings me back to Lilias’ statement, not so much to defend but to understand her. I note these words were written near the end of her life hence bear the full weight of her life experience and faith walk. While she was born into privilege, from youth to the end of her life, ...
of it. Second, this is the first time that Teilhard de Chardin was mentioned in a papal encyclical.St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVIhad previously rehabilitated and endorsed the ideas of Teilhard in their writings and speeches but Laudato Si, and specifically footnote 53, was the first...
They don’t understand. He’s doing his duty— In a dry and thirsty land. The streets are empty When the train arrives. The enemy is here, And death is nigh. Shots are fired— A struggle ensues. Four men lay dead, As justice is renewed. ...
I was given the gift of Faith by The Holy Spirit when I was a young adult. My search for God took me on a difficult, multi-year pilgrimage. I had my Epiphany in somewhat the same manner as St. Paul had his on the road to Damascus. I have to emphasize that my Faith is a gift...