GPTZero (Web, Chrome) Due to the complexity of the AI situation, it can be tricky to truly detect AI writing with an AI content detector. But these tools work well for picking out human content that sounds like AI due to repetitive phrases and generic writing. GPTZero is a free option...
But another level, Saturday and Sunday remain the days when work is something I do between other things, the alarm isn’t set unless there’s some special event, I feel zero guilt about throwing on an old pair of jeans and a t-shift, and it’s fine if I spend a few afternoon hours...
we’re still trying to get a handle on who everyone is. Now you go and call one guy Steven and the other one Sean. Yeah, they’re completely different people, but by having that same letter at the start, the reader is going to assume one guy or the other. I’ve done it when re...
letter were accepted. Inverted letters were accepted as long as it was not a lower case <d> or < b>. The distribution of this variable was positively skewed, with a large proportion of students scoring zero (54%). Therefore, the variable was dichotomized (0 = students who scored...
Description: CBool returns a boolean based on the evaluated expression. If the expression evaluates to a non-zero value, then CBool returns True, else it returns False.Parameters:Ανάπτυξηπίνακα NameRequired/ RepeatingTypeNotes Expression Required expression Any valid expression...
2– crazy zero draft stage, where anything goes (20%) 3– re-outline – (5%) 4– writing – (50%) 5– revising round one (20%) 6– revising round two (10%) Yeah. I couldn’t make the percentages add up! I think anytime you are in a stage, it feels like that’s ALL yo...
So how to fix it? The problem was that DDS sets how much memory it allows itself to use and it was set to zero. I looked at the dtest application and noticed this line of code: SetResources(options.memoryMB, options.numThreads); ...
Today, it’s not too bad; the sun is out for the first time in a week (someone must have sacrificed a goat), but the temperature is in the single digits with a brisk wind creating a below-zero wind chill. Then there are the heating bills! I’m depressed enough without going there...
>>> int(-3.999) # Note that the result is closer to zero -3 >>> int(minutes / 60) 10 >>> int("2345") # Parse a string to produce an int 2345 >>> int(17) # It even works if arg is already an int 17 >>> int("23 bottles") ...
Attempted to divide by zero. Error while executing the script audit AD accounts that will expire in exactly “7” days no more, no less and email manager of account. Authorization Manager check failed - what can be a reason Auto Email notification with powershell Auto Run PowerShell script ...