this (evidence) establishes that ... Example: Consuming moderate amounts of sweets can be good for health. This is evidenced by a number of cases when people improved their health conditions by eating chocolate. Expressing general point of view: It is (generally) claimed that … It is (gene...
Few more informal expressions with their formal versions are given below. Since IELTS is a formal test, your writing should be formal as well. Using informal words or expressions should be avoided. Some of the informal words are so frequently used that it would b...
Vocabulary for the opinion part: According to the essay types (learn what are the IELTS essay types) use one of the following connective words/ linking phrases to write down your opinion However remember that if the question does not ask you to give your opinion but to compare advantages and...
Below you will find some common collocations for the IELTS essay topic of sport. Read each one carefully and think about what kind of sample answers you might give for the questions included in the IELTS test. Remember that there are several different question types including: Discuss both these...
w=486&ssl=1 486w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 313px) 100vw, 313px"> The currentepidemicof obesity is caused largely by an environment that promotes ...
This tutorial contains useful phrases and vocabulary forIELTS writing task 2. When students ask for general lines for writing task 2, they are looking for phrases that are going to impress the examiner but can be used flexibly. Use these phrases for introductions, body paragraphs, and supporting...
作为写过7本雅思备考书籍的权威考官,同时也是雅思官方OG和Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced等书的作者,相信备考雅思的同学对下面的书都不陌生。 虽然在平时的练习中,大家较少重点练习task2,但其实这可能就是你上雅思高分的关键,这本书专注于雅思小作文,帮助大家培养总结性思维和总结性语言,更好的冲刺雅思作文...
Writing for IELTS, session 9 Fourth paragraph in agree/disagree topics:The forth paragraph is our conclusion. There are two classic styles for writing our conclusion: 1-To summarize the essay 2-To paraphrase the first paragraph.It is recommended not to summarize the essay because of several ...
But one thing for sure is that you don't need to learn many different ways to say "Firstly" or "Finally". The examiner is not looking for 'difficult' linking phrases. You’d better spend your time learning topic vocabulary instead, and this is the key point to impress the examiner!
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