Scott Selisker- Plain Text Workflow for Academic Writing with Atom. Teaching and learning with Jupyter- Book written in R Markdown, bookdown and also rendered as HTML, PDF and EPUB. Write your dissertation in RMarkdown- Step-by-step guide on creating a complex pdf document, including text,...
conda install nodejs notebook npm install -g ijavascript ijsinstall Jupyter Notebook supports LaTeX (with MathJax) in markdown: This is a sigma $\sigma$ If you create a /Dockerfile and a Jupyter notebook, you can launch a cloud instance with FROM jupyter/base-not...
在这个提示中,/root/.jupyter/ 是目标配置文件的路径。这意味着Jupyter Notebook将创建一个名为jupyter_notebook_config.py的配置文件,并将其保存在/root/.jupyter/目录下。 生成默认配置文件内容: 当执行jupyter notebook --generate-config命令时,Jupyter Notebook会生成一个包含默认配...
The Jupyter notebook, the Wolfram Mathematica notebook — these are not extensions of memory and imagination, but rather extensions ofthought. NICAR 2018 notes: Archiving data journalism 2018 Apr 6 Continue Reading Ben Welsh's Five Commandments, and commentary thereupon ...
修改Jupyter Notebook默认工作路径 把 目标 最后的路径参数改成想要的路径就好了 D:\Anaconda3\python.exe D:\Anaconda3\ D:\Anaconda3D:\Anaconda3\python.exe D:\Anaconda3\Scripts\ %USERPROFILE% D:\Anaconda3\python.exe D ...
Jupyter, a notebook in your web browser that lets you embed Python, Julia or R. Tech.iolets you create and share source code blocks that your readers can modify and execute, great for tutorials. Justin Wortheis a software engineer with an interest in music, games, good coffee, and using...
and will use them in the future. She also brought some great insights into the different ways to get published. Her teaching became especially practical to me when she provided lists of publishers and suggested that we, as potential authors, compile a notebook of information on each publisher ...
To see how well the network preform, you can open the DisplayNetwork.ipynb notebook in jupyter or Hacks and ObservationsConstruct different mini-batches for real and fake, i.e. each mini-batch needs to contain only all real images or all generated images. Use the ADAM Optimizer. Pre-train...
Have fun! And please share your results with me if you can (perhaps as a Githubdocumentation issue), I'd love to see them. This project isMITlicensed. Releases 7tags Languages Jupyter Notebook57.8% Python38.9% Makefile3.3%
The full text of the license can be foundhere. Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Languages Jupyter Notebook80.0% Python17.2% JavaScript1.5% Other1.3%