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Writing Task 1Directions: You are supposed to write a letter to the editor of a journal in your field, thanking him for suggestions and advice for your paper submitted, and informing him of the modifications and improvements you have made. 1. The letter should begin with "Dear Editor". 2...
FREE VIDEO: How to write an introduction paragraph for IELTS Writing Task 1. This is a full lesson which shows you techniques to create a high band score introduction for various kinds of tasks in Writing Task 1. This is a Must Watch video for all IELTS candidates preparing for their test...
IELTS_Writing_Answer_Sheet 热度: Ielts+Answer+Sheet 热度: IELTS 11, TEST 2, WRITING TASK 1 sample answer BAND 7.5 热度: WRITINGANSWERBOOKLET CandidateName:...CandidateNumber:... CentreNumber:...Date:...
雅思写作答题纸 Writing Answer Sheets EXAMINER 2 NUMBER:... CANDIDA TE NUMBER:...
雅思写作答题纸 Writing Answer Sheets.pdf,INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEM WRITING ANSWER SHEET Candidate Name: Candidate Number: Centre Name: Date: Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tick as appropriate) TASK 1 EXAMINER’S USE ONLY EXAMINER
1.writing task 1 writing task 1 writing task 1you should spend about 20 minutes on this task. you should write about 20 minutes on the task. the chart shows oil production and consumption in certain asian countries in 2004 in million barreis per day (mb/d). summarise the information by...
Writing Task 1Directions: Suppose you are applying for a PhD program at a UK university. Professor Goth has written a recommendation letter for you at your request. You are required to write a letter of thanks to Professor Goth, who once taught a course in your school and you attended the...
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Thematic Progression Patterns in the IELTS Task 2 Writing IELTS_Writing_Answer_Sheet Tutorial 8_Two Sample Test and One-Way ANOVA_Answer 《商务英语函电》课件--Task 6 Writing task and reference answer 制作回样写作练习及参考答案 《商务英语函电》课件--Task 4 Writing ...
【Task】 An object of the present invention is to prevent dust and dirt from adhering between a base material and a cover sheet even if recording and erasing of an image are repeatedly performed, and image recording property and image recording stability are deteriorated. It is to provide a ...