what? Bar charts can show numbers changing overa period of time some type of bar chart is the same as a line graph eg: Number of computers sold by two different shops However, Bar charts don't always show times... , they often only compare numbers compare the bars First, make a very...
The graph/table/pie chart/bar chart/diagram ... gives information about/on ... provides information about/on ... shows ... illustrates ... compares ... explains why ... describes ... draws the conclusion of (a survey) ... Types of changes upward Nouns a rise (of) an increase (o...
IELTS13 TEST2 WRITING TASK1 Sample The presented bar chart illustrates percentages of owned and rented English and Welsh accommodation from 1918 to 2011. Overall, owning and renting showed opposite trends with a sharp increase in ownership and a reciprocal decline in the percentage of renters. By ...
IELTS writing task 1Remember:No conclusion. Instead write a summary (the overview).雅思写作任务1记住:没有结论。相反,写一个摘要(概述)。Question types1. Line graph2. Bar chart3. Pie chartnumbers describe comparechanges / trends4. Table5. Diagram - comparing6. Diagram - process问题类型1.线图...
- methods and techniques - break the task into parts - types of question Remember: The task is to describe what you see. Write a report. Don't give opinions. No conclusion. Instead write a summary (the overview). Question types: (6) 1. Line graph 2. Bar chart 3. Pie chart 4. Ta...
comparing & contrasting data and presenting the logical flow of the graph ensure a high band score in your Academic IELTS writing task 1. This vocabulary section aims to help you learn all the vocabularies, phrases and words you need t...
By Eliot Friesen on April 29, 2021 in IELTS VocabularyThe IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 essay has you write a 150-word report about a bar chart (also referred to as a bar graph), a process diagram, a table, or a pie chart. In each of these formats, you will need to use slightly...
Conclusion or Overview: Tips & Advice How to Describe an IELTS Bar Chart Band Score Tips & Summary for WT1 Pie Chart Model Answer All Model Answers, Tips & Advice for IELTS Writing Task 1 FREE SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to get new lessons & tips by email. ...
Writing Task 1 Lesson 1: Question types; essay structure Remember: Describe and give a report but not opinions! No conclusion, instead a summary or overview. Question type: Essay structure: Introduction Overview Details Details Introduction ...
Line Graph Sample It is not common to be given only one line in IELTS writing task 1. However, this answer will provide you will an example of vocabulary, layout and general content. Source: IELTS Liz Line Graph Model Answer The graph illustrates how many people from the age of 65 and ...