Best writing websites for marketing and design 39.David Gaughran An experienced author of historical adventures, short stories, and popular books for writers, David Gaughran is one of the definitive writing experts out there. His eponymous blog contains plenty of info on marketing and self-publishin...
Best writing websites for marketing and design 39.David Gaughran An experienced author of historical adventures, short stories, and popular books for writers, David Gaughran is one of the definitive writing experts out there. His eponymous blog contains plenty of info on marketing and self-publishin...
Read ways to use Now Novel's story outlining tools and find more tools for planning stories below:ScrivenerSeveral Now Novel members have mentioned that they use this well-known desktop-based writing software in tandem with Now Novel's own online story brainstorming tools, as each compliments ...
Stories are food. Feed everyone and be willing to let them feed you, too. Remember humans love stories — it’s hardwired into how we learn and grow. Why did you start your business? That’s a story. Who are your best customers (and what makes them the best)? That’s... ...
Littlequickie fictionis big, when it comes to CreativeWritingStoriesOnline! With the continued progression of e-technologies,blogging, My Space,Twitter, the evolution of the cell phone and its ever expanding features and by products, Blackberries and text messaging the need for quality, brief, ente...
Share your poetry, stories, script writing and book chapters. All skill levels welcomed. Enter contests for free. Over $5,000 in cash prizes will be awarded this year. That includes the 5-7-5 Poetry Contest contest with a deadline in 3 hours. And the Four Line Poem contest with a ...
I just wish this that I had known that this workshop existed a lot sooner. I spent literally years not having any idea what to do to make my stories better. I am so impressed with the fact that other writers will help a person get published. In this competive world, that is a rare...
Popularity: It’s a renowned space for sharing ideas and stories, perfect for showcasing your technical writing skills. Earnings: You can start earning with just one article. Medium’s Partner Program pays writers based on article engagement and readership. ...
These epic fantasy vocal tales, though seemingly far-fetched, explored a real human issue. They tied into the quest to solve a world-affecting problem (in many stories this is a dark lord, an evil wizard, a magical device that’s going to destroy everything, a world-ending/shaking event...
Lit Net's website United Kingdom United Kingdom permalink Litro Points: 0 Litro Litro publishes online and has a free distribution of 100,000 in the London area. Accepts submissions of short stories, flash fiction and creative non-fiction up to a maximum of 3,000 words, but not ...