moreover, letter writing is an important part of various competitive exams as well. candidates in examinations such as ssc exam, bank exam, rrb exam, or other government exams are asked to write a letter in the descriptive papers to assess their writing skills. candidates appearing for any...
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All these report writing examples are from the past year’s CBSE board exam.Report Writing Class 12 Question 1 (CBSE 2020) MMD School, Nashik, recently organised a science symposium on the topic: ‘Effect of pollution on quality of life’. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, editor of the school...
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writing skills and learn about different topics. they can focus on a wide range of topics like the environment, animals and birds, technology, proverbs, etc. essay writing helps children enhance their critical thinking abilities and express their opinions creatively. english essays also help them id...
Rules of Precis Writing To avoid making any errorsin writing a precis, follow a set of rules as mentioned below: Read the comprehension carefully Note down the important points Make a rough draft of the precis Make use of simple and precise language, as much as possible ...
Essays are an excellent way for kids to practise writing skills and learn about different topics. They can focus on a wide range of topics like the environment, animals and birds, technology, proverbs, etc. Essay writing helps children enhance their critical thinking abilities and express their ...