unit 5 Writing Up Research Results[26页]UNITFIVE WRITINGUPRESEARCHRESULTS TaskObjective Inthisunityouwilllearnhowtowritearesultssectionforaresearchpaper.“结果”是一篇论文的核心部分,其内容是将观察研究所得的资料和数据用文字和图表形式表达出来。它既是作者对自己原先设计的目的或所提出问题的直接回答,也是下文...
讲座主题:Writing the Introduction Section of a Research Paper 主讲人:贺灿文 副教授 时间:4月7日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:文科楼510室 更多讲座信息,请关注写作中心微信公众号讲座综述80 讲座综述 · 目录 上一篇英文写作中心四月讲座 | ...
The results section of our paper ought to be the easiest section to write, and actually this often turns out to be the case, especially if we have been true to the purpose of our study and have rigorously tested our research hypothesis.The results section of the paper should also be the...
A It is the summary of the paper.B It is better to use abbreviation to make the abstract shorter.C It describes the key ideas of the paper.D It gives the results of the paper.10. Which is NOT advised in the introductio 10、n section?A Clearly explain the background of our research...
The purpose of the results section is to present the main data collected and the observations made during the research. It provides interpretation of the analysed data and does not contain details on the methods, materials or discussion. The first step in writing the results section is to review...
Results section– this section lists in detail evidence obtained from all experiments with some primary data analysis, conclusions, observations, and primary interpretations being made. It is typically the largest section of any analysis paper, so, it has to be concisely rewritten, which implies unde...
Structure Includes introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. It contains an introduction, literature review, research methodology, and anticipated outcomes. Length Generally, it is longer, providing comprehensive details and analysis of the study. Usually shorter, foc...
of your research. Try to demonstrate brief and precise sentences that contain essential information – dates, historic events, personalities, etc. It is wise to insert them into the context of your summary in the proper way and explain how these facts influence your investigation and its results...
What are the 5 parts of research paper? A Research Report has five major parts: Introduction Literature Review Methods These are the results. Discussion. What is the introduction of a research essay? What is the good research title? What are the best topic in research? What topic sho...
The following steps may be helpful for your preparation.1) Identify the major objectives and conclusions.2) Identify phrases with keywords in the methods section.3) Identify the major results from the discussion or results section.4) Assemble the above information into a si 53、ngle paragraph.5...