This provides a great opportunity to familiarise students with the kinds of questions they will encounter on future tests, such as the Cambridge A1 Movers exam. Key Features:themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary;realistic topics a...
This provides a great opportunity to familiarise students with the kinds of questions they will encounter on future tests, such as the Cambridge A2 Flyers exam. 商品说明 更多精选商品 预售【中商原版】中国近代史 复刻版 港台原版 陈恭禄 香...
To answer the research questions, a quasi-experimental design was adopted with a pre- and post-test. The sample consisted of 75 3rd year university students in the English Section of a Faculty of Education in Egypt (69 females and 6 males) aged 20–21 years, with an average English level...
The current study raised three research questions. The first question aimed to examine the frequency of occurrence of metadiscourse markers in the argumentative essays of NSE, EFL learners and ESL learners. A number of interesting findings emerged. First, the three groups of participants used more ...
answers are too short, get them to write a short sentence (you could dictate this to them) and then build it up to 45 words. This can be achieved by asking students a series of questions related to the sentence, and then incorporating their answers into the original sentence. For ...
Answer the questions. One day, a farmer’s donkey (驴) fell into a dry well (井). The poor animal cried for hours before his owner finally found him. The farmer tried hard to pull him out from the well but failed. He felt very sorry for the donkey but after carefully thinking...
CIACDAM is not an easy watch and asks questions about how we and the system normalise violence. Some of the middle-class people I spoke to about it didn’t like its rough edges or out-of-tune karaoke singing, but for me it’s my perfect theatrical Venn diagram and as Gabi Cepelyte ...
Questions on the survey (assessed on a 4-point scale) focused on students’ experience with eRevise. For example, students were asked about the helpfulness of the feedback message they received, whether they understood what the feedback message was asking them to do, and the extent to which...
the overall aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between specific discourse features present in the writing scripts of EFL learners sitting for the British Council’s APTIS for TEENS exam and the assigned scores during operational scoring by specially trained raters. A total ...
as they tend to emphasize the role of cognitive factors and neglect affective ones despite the fact that learner agency and potential for creativity have been linked to certain aspects of task performance, possibly exerting their influence through learners’ affects. Thus, to investigate the role of...