I'm a Malaysian-based writer, and I harbour a deep passion for the written word. With over 8 years' experience in the publishing industry, I can offer solutions for all your writing needs. As a writer in the no-niche niche, I can craft work for every purpose across various industries....
This was a generation reared on television, where the picture is valued more than the word - where the word, in fact, is devalued, used as mere chatter, and often misused and mispronounced. It was also a generation reared on music - songs and rhythms meant primarily to be heard and fel...
Few brands do this better than Apple, in my opinion. 5. Use a hook to grab your reader's attention. The introduction and hook of your content are often your best opportunity to inspire, move, surprise, and delight your readers. Moreover, it’s your only chance to convince them to ...
The main advantage IInitializeWithStream has over IInitializeWithFile is that IInitializeWithStream allows a preview handler to preview data that isn't stored in an independent file, such as a text file stored in a ZIP file. (If the shell tries to preview data available only as a stream ...
longer, more detailed articles rather than spreading a topic over several days. I think this allows for a better overall presentation of more complicated topics (such as my posts onscreen real-estate,customization, and thePowerPoint Home tab) in which I can cover all aspects of a topic at ...
Over the years, I've come across many situations where it's useful to write defensively in order to minimize errors and illogical content, and to reduce the work required to get the stuff finished and out of the door. While they might not be applicable to everyone, here's a few things...
The sign over the door in Song's clinic is 醫, meaning "doctor" or "cure". The first panel of the Lover's story reads, in ancient Chinese script, 男女相隔二地 會于此峰, which means approximately "The man and woman (Oma and Shu) separated into two places; they will meet at this ...
Elements of Writing Styles: Word Choice Also called diction,word choicerefers to the artistic decisions a writer makes in choosing one word over another, and how those decisions affect the meaning,mood,tone, and ideas conveyed to the reader. ...
Purple Words: The chosen color here is an in-joke for writers. Purple words have a more suitable, simpler alternative. Hover over them to see Hemingway's suggestion. Blue Words: Blue words are adverbs or weak and hesitant language. Hemingway feels these should be omitted. ...
In this article, I'll try to bring you some of the most important practices I've learned over the years while developing and consulting, and while training developers. These tips should help you write effective, maintainable, and robust unit tests. And I hope this advice helps you to avoid...