writing on the wall是不祥之兆;大难临头的意思。例如Don't they see the problems?The writing is on the wall.难道他们没看见问题吗?这么明显。writing on the wall这个常用语是出自《圣经》中关于丹尼尔的故事,丹尼尔大声读出写在墙壁上巴比伦帝国灭亡的预言。所以此用语被用来表示灾难即将来临。看看老外聊天...
【例句1】Sending separate mails will look more genuine than my writing on behalf of everyone. (...
see为“看见”,writing在这里指“文字”on the wall为“在墙上”的意思。圣经故事中,古巴比伦国王看见神秘的手指在墙上,写着看不懂的文字,请犹太预言家来看时,发现是“大难临头”之意,结果当天亡国。此语常用于新闻报道或文学读本,指的是“凶兆”。看看老外聊天时怎么用writing on the wall:A You better...
大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语口语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的口语表达——the writing is on the wall, 这个短语的含义不是指“写在了墙上”,其正确的含义是:the writing is on the wall 已出现不祥之兆,已有厄运临头的预兆 You need to resign now. The writing is on the wall, and the...
the writing is on the wall的意思是“to mean that there are clear signs that something will fail or no longer exist”,即“厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆”。这句习语源于《圣经》中的故事,在伯沙撒国王大摆宴席时,由于其将圣殿器皿当作酒杯来使用,墙上突然出现了字迹,上面写着“mene mene tekel upharsin...
It works with so many sites, platforms, software, and applications. So it is always on and always helping me correct my writing in real-time. Grammarly has a desktop app. It also has a plugin for Word in Microsoft Office for PC users. ...
My critical approach to the text is informed by the published archive of Tansis extra-literary writing, my own fieldwork in Congo-Brazzaville, and interdisciplinary scholarship on the Kongo people and their culture from art history to political anthropology. My re-reading of this classic novel ...
you’d also have to reshuffle the sections those cards represented in your manuscript to reflect your changes. In Scrivener, every section of your project is attached to a virtual index card. Scrivener’s corkboard lets you step back and work with just the synopses you’ve written on the ca...
It has helped me create successful campaigns and generate more leads for my business. Overall, I am very pleased with Narrato.io and highly recommend it to anyone looking for an effective digital marketing platform. Benefits of Using an AI Writing Generator An AI writing generator offers several...
Grammarly makes AI writing convenient. Work smarter with personalized AI guidance and text generation on any app or website.