A native of Pasadena and later based at Harvard, Matthiessen was a luminary in early-to-mid-20th century literary studies, who helped establish American Studies, an interdisciplinary field that draws on and integrates diverse disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, especially history and l...
Supporting the development of collective articles as editor ofPostdigital Science and Education, I feel an urgent need for a synthesis piece that could be used as a point of departure. Of course, ideas about collective writings cannot be systematised in one article. Yet, at the very least, ...
13.A collective noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is thought of as a unit, but a plural verb when the members of the class are thought of as individuals. ( public, board, family, class, team, group, crowd, audience, crew, committee, enemy, government, party) ---Hi...
Example:Iwasverydangerous.Iwasingreatdanger.dangerous:adj.abletoorlikelytocausedanger:a dangerousdrug/animal/criminal/It'sdangeroustogotooneartheedgeofthecliff.~lyadv.Hewasdrivingdangerously./Sheisdangerousill.---LongmanDictionaryofContemporaryEnglish Importantfunctionsofadictionary Differentstylesof...
Many thanks to Urania Smith of KidLitNation who helped pull the winner’s names. If you’re a writer of color, please check out KidLitNation for support and resources! More daily prize winners to come soon! Storystorm 2020 Agents & Winner’s Badge February 7, 2020 in STORYSTORM 2020 ...
* he pays attention to your friends and family and coworkers when he meets them, and tries to remember their names and important life details; * he “walks the walk” as well as talks the talk; * he asks people about themselves and listens to their stories and answers; ...
As the texts were finally to be read out loud and compiled in a collective book, they should consider what information they wrote down, and when necessary to discuss the issue with their parents. For different reasons, Mona, who was the class manager in 5b, decided that this time students...
A collective sigh of relief told us we had all, indeed, asked that question. After a brief discussion about understanding when we submit something it’s all about “hitting the right editor on the right day,” Kardos went on to explain our stories have to establish “high stakes”–...
实用英文写作Common Errors In English Writing CommonErrorsInEnglishWriting 1.Sentencefragment •Wrong:TheSenatorvotedforthehealthcarebilltothedelightoftheopposition.Althoughhehadtoadmitthattherewerecertainprovisionswithwhichhedisagreed.•Correctedversion:TheSenatorvotedforthehealthcarebilltothedelightoftheopposition...
In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on individualism, with people prioritising their personal goals and desires over collective interests. Is this is a positive or negative development? Music mainly serves as a way for individuals to reduce their stress and anxiety. ...