To provide a configuration for the plugin to use, place a .sourcery.yml file at the root of the target's directory (in the sources folder rather than the root of the package).Running from the command lineTo verify the plugin can be found by SwiftPM, use:...
.vscode Update to .NET 6 May 22, 2024 Documentation Fix minor typo in Jun 19, 2024 InkTestBed Update to .NET 6 May 22, 2024 Sublime3Syntax Remove non-breaking spaces from md files Jun 24, 2019 compiler Add Hiragana and Katakana character ranges ...
vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document === undefined){ return; } let text = vscoode.window.activeTextEditor.document.getText(); function countWords(str) { //from return str.trim().split(/\s+/).length; } vscode.window....
Prior to creating the extension, I also tried a number of the available supported languages in VSCode to see if anything came close. Some of the best candidates helped a little, but I was disappointed with the results. Out of the gate, VSCode provides line numbering and many other useful f...
After having used terminal Vim + tmux together inside of WSL for the last 2 weeks I’m already more productive than with my previous VSCode set up. tmuxis especially useful for anyone who juggles multiple projects. I’m always switching between freelance dev work, my blog, open source proje...
In your local repo, find the filegatsby-config.js(or use CMD-P to jump to it fast in VSCode). Swap the first and second line of code (it doesn’t matter what order these lines are in, except to make the Gatsby Build check rebuild the cache): ...
ConsoleColor; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // quick dive in example void Wait() => Console.ReadKey(true); // show how you can mix and match System.Console with Konsole Console.WriteLine("line one"); // create an inline Box window at the current cursor position ...
This is the central file for the module. As you can see from this example a plugin module can include multiple objects like sources, filters and outputs but they need to be registered and managed from a central instance, which is this module. ...
concurrency-can-bite-you-even-in-node conditional-breakpoints-in-chrome-devtools conference-talk-proposals configurable-function-pattern configure-prettier-in-vscode configuring-angular-3rd-party-module connecting-crash-reporting-with-end-to-end-tests control-nextjs-data-during-tests controller...
With ChatGPT technology, users can continuously train onepoint to generate and reconstruct content with greater accuracy (onpoint), thereby improving efficiency. Onepoint currently supports various editing scenarios such as VSCode, Pages, Microsoft Word, Email etc, as well as reading scenarios like Sa...