Social Emotional Learning: Useful at any age, our SEL lessons and social emotional activities will help you discuss important social topics with your students. English as a New Language: Students who are immersed in a new language rely on visual tools to help them learn and understand. Our ENL...
9.7 Lessons on Writing for Becoming a Standout Writer# The course 7 Lesson on Writing for Becoming a Standout Writer focuses on helping you to know how to write clear, direct, and precise prose. You will be able to communicate better with readers, avoid cliche words and phrases, and find...
Writing practiceis a method of becoming a better writer that usually involves reading lessons about the writing process, using writing prompts, doingcreative writing exercises, or finishing writing pieces, like essays,short stories,novels, orbooks. The best writing practice is deliberate, timed, and ...
We are excited to share the incredible progress our Grade 2 students have made in their writing journey, exploring the world of words and sentences. Through playful and interactive activities, children discovered the joy of...
7、he beauty of tea and discern the difference between Chinese and English tea cultures. Procedures教学环节Steps教学目标Objectives活动形式与步骤ActivitiesReviewReview the contents of the previous lessonsArouse students interests in the lessonWarm-up: Review the things they have learned in the previous ...
OAE English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (021) Study Guide and Test Prep Spanish Flashcards Learning English for the Workplace Activities for Teaching English Language Learners Spanish for Teachers Browse by Lessons California ELD & ELA Standards in Writing: Purpose, Speaker, Audience & ...
Hand, B., & Prain, V. (1998). Writing as a Learning Tool in Science: Lessons Learnt and Future Agendas. In Second International Handbook of Science Education. New York, NY: Springer.Hand, B. y Prain, V. (2012) Writing as a Learning Tool in Science: Lessons Learnt and Future Agendas...
However, I decide to go all out and face the challenges bravely. There is a very big stadium in our school, where we take part in all kinds of after-school activities. So we lead a more colorful campus life, which is different from that of my junior high. All in all...
16 chapters | 107 lessons Ch 1. Learning Processes & Theories Ch 2. Instructional Approaches Ch 3. Language Acquisition in the... Ch 4. Beyond Oral Language Acquisition Ch 5. How Language & Culture Interact in the... Ch 6. Strategies for Teaching Reading Ch 7. Identifying & Understanding...
Lesson Plan, Part 1: Learning Objectives The most significant assignment in this final project is a lesson plan you will create. We'll focus on lesson plans in module 3, but for now, we'll start by looking at learning objectives: what you want your students to learn from the lessons you...