Printable pages for Earth Day or the planet Earth. Use as coloring page or for a shape book writing activity. Printable Earth Coloring Page or Shape Book Cover Printable Blank Page for Earth Shape Book Printable Handwriting Lines for Earth Shape Book ...
Anoptional front coveris included if you'd like to turn the pages into a writing notebook or journal. Ablank page with linesis included for students who would like to write more. There are3 differentiated versions included.One version includes the story starters listed below with related pictur...
Business Correspondence Basics, Internal Communications, Customer-Facing Communications, and Website Essentials.Learn how to effectively create a resume, cover letter, and bios.You’ll learn the uses of a resume/ and the most common structures. Then, students learn...
It should find a home in all collections." - School Library Journal starred review. Home | Contents | Contact Us | Ordering/Shipping | Privacy Statement For a lifetime of learning fun! If you are unable to see the blue navigation buttons below, go to Contents for text links. The Read...
You can also employ descriptive writing in personal works like entries in a journal or a diary. Descriptive Writing Tips When you need to describe something, provide its characteristics based on what you observe, usually from what you can see. However, there are things you can describe using ...
So I was randomly searching the internet for things like the average temperature of Alaska and how many werewolves does it take to call it a pack, when I stumbled across something calledThe Five Minute Journal. It’s one of those ideas so obvious that it bums me out that someone else tho...
Location of publisher: Name of Publisher, year of publication, pages where the article is located. Magazine or Journal: Author(s). "Title of article." Name of magazine, Volume.issue (date): pages where the article is located. Author(s) are listed last name first, first name or ...
You can find Thankful Writing (Digital and Printable) in my TpT store, but if you only want the printable version, it’s free for my email subscribers. Just sign up here and follow the links to the freebies page that you’ll find in the welcome message. Tips for Success Here are a ...
: Red Fez publishes a monthly online literary journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. They have a vibrant, supportive community of writers, as well as an in-depth resource section to help you find a home for your creative work. YA Interrobang - (Sue Bradford Edwards,...