6月29日, 叮叮同学练写的Introduction paragraph: 2. Making Friends Online Is Not Wise (Write an introduction paragraph in accordance with the HOT format) (Hook)Millions of people every day are talking to strangers they met online and befriending them. (Overview) Although it is possible for some...
“Whatdoes500 words look like?” Basically speaking, you will have3 paragraphsin your assignment. The first paragraph is the introduction — there you introduce the topic of your task and highlight the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main idea of your assignment. It should be cl...
Introduction writing tips Hints for accounting phd topics Finding a free sample How to select PhD paper topics Writing a dissertation proposal Doctoral thesis writing hints The value of phd samples Media topics for your thesis Your professor can help you ...
相比之下,例1指出了具体的方面,如“define the extent of the civil and political rights returned to aboriginal women”和“theActrecognizes fundamental human rights and existing aboriginal rights”。 例2: 如果你觉得很难抓取文献的重点,那么...
最后再开始写introduction,hook部分同学们可以做一下‘标题党’,结合例子讲一个能吸引读者的背景介绍。 Thesis部分就需要同学们从背景介绍引到正文,可以谈谈why this topic? How important? The aim? Research methods? The main idea? Step3:朗读检查 在完成写作部分之后,我们还需要继续接下来的精进工作。耳朵能帮我...
Ensure that your thesis is: Clear Specific Arguable Write a sentence or two addressing the position you’ll explore on the topic and place it at the end of your essay’s introduction paragraph. Step 5: Outline your essay An outlineis a plan for your future essay, where you structure it ...
The structure is fairly easy. Write an introduction that provides some background on the topic and a clear thesis statement that states your opinion on the topic. Then write two or three body paragraphs. Each one should focus on a specific argument in support of your argument or the rebuttal...
Lesson 1-Overview of Academic Writing Lesson 2-How to Prepare the Title and Thesis Statement Lesson 3-How to Present a Literature Review Lesson 4-How to Make a Thesis Proposal Lesson 5-How to Write the Introduction Lesson 6-How to Describe Material and Methods Used in Research Lesson 7-How...
3、ead the introduction.3. Which of the following practice we should follow when writing scientific paper in English?A Modesty is a good characteristic in Chinese culture.B When writing scientific paper, we should point out the shortcomings of our research using a specific section.C We should ...
Introduction:The issue of whether children should wear school uniforms is subject to some debate. Opposing View:Some parents think that requiring children to wear uniforms is best. Statement of Validity (Understanding):Those parents who ...