In this article we illustrate a science inquiry and writing integrated lesson for young ELLs. In doing so, we discuss how a teacher planned, used, and assessed the science and literacy integrated lesson to scaffold her ELLs' academic language and conceptual understanding within the context of ...
Regardless of the fact that they have been the fastest growing group of American students for some time, ELLs continue to be outperformed by their non-ELL peers. 1 With the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of language and literacy instruction, ...
Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. You will receive your score and answers at the end. question 1 of 3 Why should teachers be cautious about giving ELLs new information too quickly? Because this may cause students to become bored and disinterested ...
the structured approach and abundant resources provided by Simplify Writing® streamlined the writing process, allowing for a more focused and efficient instructional session. The clear instructions and engaging
IXL aligns to the WIDA™ ACCESS for ELLs! IXL provides skill alignments to help your students reach their potential on this test.
Activity: Step by Step Instructions Objective: Break down a preferred task into steps and write instructions. Materials: Paper and pencil, items to perform tasks (optional) Activity: Hobby Invitation Activity: Excuse Note Register to view this lesson ...
Linguistically-driven text formatting improves reading comprehension for ELLs and EL1s. Read Writ (2024). Download citation Accepted15 April 2024 Published12 May 2024 DOI Keywords Text formatting Reading ...
4.This page has the clear instructions(说明)of this kind of medicine. 5.The man did the same job as us but was paid double (双倍的). §课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) 用多媒体给学生播放一些七至九年学生们学校活动的录像或照片,然后询问同学们还记得哪些学校活动。 Teacher...
Firstaidisa_t_e_m_p_o_ra_r_y_formofhelpgiventosomeonewhosuddenly_f_a_lls__ill___orgetsinjured_be_f_o_re__adoctorcanbefound.before,temporary(暂时的),fallsill 4.Doyouthinkfirstaidisimportant?Why?Yes.Ifyoucangivefirstaidquicklyandcorrectly,youcansaveaperson’slife.Part2:Preparationfor...
雅思英语考试经典资料汇编5: Reading and Writing Test B