Cultivating a voice isn't easy, but it's possible.It lies within your power to hone, develop, and sharpen your writing voice. In this article, I'll share seven of the techniques that helped me to develop my writing voice. I’m confident they will work for you, too. 1) Give every ...
Do you wonder whether your writing sounds like you? Would you like to have a stronger voice, just like your favorite writers? Finding our voice is perhaps one of the most frustrating challenges we face as writers. A strong voice helps us stand out in a sea of same-same writing, and it...
As you try some of these ideas, you might find a sense of your own voice emerging. Perhaps there’s a wry humour in your writing, or a love of word-play, or a crystal clarity. To go further in developing your voice, and in “speaking out loud” for an audience, you might want t...
And hey, I get it. Your writing chops were probably earned in college or on the job. You mastered the ways of academia or journalism or even copy writing. But just because you know to (properly) use a preposition and/or cite your sources, doesn’t mean your voice is clear and compell...
Once you've found your voice, make sure you continue todevelop it. It's a discipline, one that can't be overlooked if you're going to have the impact you desire and that your words deserve. The bottom line is that there's a lot of noise out there in the world. If you're going...
It’s in the town and the characters. Now I know that’s part of my voice. I’ve known authors to land a contract simply because of their voice. Then they had to roll up their sleeves and learn pacing, plotting, prose, and dialogue. So, what’s your voice? How do you uniquely ...
If you've ever said something with feeling in your voice or with a certain attitude, you know how it works. And while mastering the word choice, syntax, and other techniques to use tone effectively can be tricky, just by choosing a tone, being aware of tone in your writing, and making...
How to find your voice Your writing voice evolves (1) by imitating your heroes, (2) by finding out what resonates with your audience, and (3) by nurturing a sense of play. Learn more in these three articles: Imitate:Steal and swipe to create your own unique blogging voice ...
VoiceUse the active voice whenever possible to save space and make messages easier to understand. Avoid using negative words or expressions that blame the user. Use positive expressions that promote the watch as a capable, reliable, and powerful device....
I think writing a thank-you letter at the end of the year is a wonderful gesture of appreciation. It shows thoughtfulness and gratitude towards the people who have made a difference in our lives. It can make someone's day and remind them of the positive impact they have had. It is a ...