“If you won’t be a good example, then you’ll have to be a horrible warning.”~Empress Catherine II of Russia You are why the gene pool needs a lifeguard. You’re a nonessential vitamin. I have 90 billion nerves, and you’re on every single one of them. I may not be perfect,...
I didn’t really enjoy my experience writingAnagrammatic Poetry, in which the lines of the poem are anagrams (scrambles) of the title. I hummed an hawed to try to make something that made sense, which isn’t really the point. I started out very ambitious, then tried to just make a ...
To my readers in the 164 countries worldwide, till next time. Posted inabundance,Achievement,Activism,adversity,allowing,Anam Cara,angels,animal rescue,Appreciation,asylum seeking,Audre Lorde,Australia,Authenticity,Awareness,Bargains,Beginning,beliefs,Belonging,Bliss,Books,breakups,Brene Brown,brighten your ...
Buy aMoon Hat(a great science gift made by Star In A Star – order today and get FREE shipping), you can learn all about the Moon phases every time you wear the hat. The Moon Hat is a scientific “moon-finder” instrument that helps you locate the Moon in the sky day or night. T...
Which brings me back to why I photograph. A question I have been pondering for the past few years, and one with more answers than not, but all essentially boil down to the same idea of theperformance of art as therapy. Like therapy, the work evolved in stages, so that my first succes...
to such an extent that the main characters have stats that “level up” and gain rewards as they would in video games. They seem to have become quite popular in Russia and are beginning to spread. A small publisher that specializes in translations of popular LitRPG works stateson their site...
“Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation” indicated: “the president erupted in anger in front of numerous White House officials, saying he needed his attorney general to protect him. Mr. Trump said he had expected his top law enforcement official to ...
Schrader, “Branding the Exile as ‘Other’: Corporal Punishment and the Construction of Boundaries in mid-Nineteenth-Century Russia”, in D.L. Hoffmann and Y. Kotsonis (eds), Russian Modernity (London, 2000), pp. 19–40; Hellie Richard, “Migration in Early Modern Russia, I480s–1780s”...
The Press also produced explicitly political works. Pamphlets had fallen out of fashion due to the high production costs and low revenue, but the Hogarth Press produced several series on contemporary issues of international politics, challenging colonialism and critiquing Soviet Russia and Italian fascism...
In these times it is interesting to note that in 1818Jacques Collin de Plancygave Rimmon as the name of the demon ambassador of/to Russia. There’s another point of trivia from esoterica that I can no longer connect to a source. The above image of a symbol for sin. It is identical to...